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Ramon Guillermo, Scholar-Activist of Indonesian and Philippine Society


This paper presents the work of Southeast Asian scholar Ramon Guillermo. Using sophisticated computer-aided methods, Guillermo approaches a range of topics in the wide fields of social sciences and the humanities. A creative writer as well as an activist, Guillermo grounds his studies in nationalism and Marxism. Particularly interested in Indonesian and Philippine society and culture, Guillermo engages with the writings of labor leaders Tan Malaka and Lope K. Santos, translations of Marx's Capital into Bahasa and Filipino, and studies as well the discursive and historical connections between the Communist Parties of both countries. The paper aims to introduce the innovations of Guillermo's studies, particularly in the fields of cultural studies and translation studies. The type of cultural studies Guillermo practices is empirical, taking inspiration from innovations done in the digital humanities. Guillermo is most opposed to trendy, fashion-seeking approaches that are not grounded on history. He reserves particular ire for "hip" postcolonialism, and instead praises studies that are founded on politics and materialism. In translation studies, Guillermo goes beyond the mere cataloguing of mistakes. For him, it is the mistakes and "perversities" of a translation that is interesting and illuminating. Guillermo himself is a translator, and the paper ends with a brief discussion of his production in this field.

Ramon Guillermo, translation studies, cultural studies, digital humanities, translation.



Barbaza, Raniella. 2014. Wika at Identidad: Wikang Bikol bilang Lunan ng Bikolnon, 1890-1956 (Language and Identity:The Bicol Language as a Space for Bicol-ness/the Bicol People, 1890-1956). Daluyan: Journal of the Filipino Language, 20: 73-98.


Barbaza, Raniella. 2017. An Orosipon Kan Bikolnon: Interrupting the Philippine Nation.Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2007. A Book Review of Vicente Rafael's The Promise of the Foreign. Kritika Kultura, 9: 55-60.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2009. Translation and Revolution. Quezon City: Ateneo de Mcanila University Press.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2013/2014. A Pouring Out of Words: Das Kapital in Bahasa Indonesia Translation.Kritika Kultura, 21/22: 221-240.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2014. Themes of Invention, Help, and Will: Joachim Campe's Robinson der Jüngere in Tagalog and Bahasa Melayu Translations.Southeast Asian Studies,3(1): 3-47.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2014. Ang Dalawang Piging ng Kapitalistang Modernidad [The Two Feasts of Capitalist Modernity]. Festschrift kay Zeus Salazar [Festschrift for Zeus Salazar]. A. Navarro, J. Rodriguez-Tatel, and V. Villan, eds. 183-226. Quezon City: BAKAS.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2016. Revolusi! Rebolusyon!: A Filipino Revisiting of Benedict Anderson's "The Languages of Indonesian Politics" (1966). Southeast Asia Research Centre (SEARC) Working Paper Series. No. 191. 2016.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2017. Child of Two Nations: Indonesian Perspectives on the Case of Mary Jane Veloso. International Journal of Diaspora and Cultural Criticism, 7(1): 181-205.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2017. The Rise of the Dunia Modern (Modern World)in Pramoedya Anata Toer's BumiManusia (This Earth of Mankind). Unitas, 89(1): 4-18.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2017. "He was a translator": Benedict Anderson, Translation and Cosmopolitanism. Imagined (Cosmopolitan)Communities. B. Susanto, A. Windarto, and A. Harimurti, eds. 243-251. Yogyakarta: Lembaga Studi Realino.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2017. Foreword.The Nation in Our Hearts. Arnold Alamon, xiii-xiv. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2018. Review of Philippine Modernities: Music, Performing Arts, and Language, 1880-1941. The Journal of History, LXIV: 389-392.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2018. Blood-Brothers: The Communist Party of the Philippines and the Partai Komunis Indonesia. Southeast Asian Studies, 7(1): 13-38.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2019. Interview with Ramon Guillermo.Sa Madaling Salita: Kasaysayan at Pag-unlad ng Wikang Pambansa [In Short: The History and Progress of the National Language]. Rommel Rodriguez and Choy Pangilian, eds. 102-113. Quezon City: Center for the Filipino Language.


Guillermo, Ramon. 2019. Review of Beyond Bali: Subaltern Citizens and Post-Colonial Intimacy. International Journal of Asian Studies, 16(1): 75-77.


Guillermo, Ramon, et al. 2017. 3 Baybayin Studies. Quezon City:University of the Philippines Press.


Malaka, Tan. 2013. Tungo sa Hardin ng Tao: "Si Bonifacio, ang pinakauna, hindi lamang sa Pilipinas, kundi sa buong Indonesia, oo, sa buong Asia na nanggaling sa, at edukado bilang, proletaryado, na nag-organisa ng mga proletaryo" [Towards the Garden of Humanity: "Bonifacio was the very first, not just in the Philippines, but in the whole of Indonesia, yes, in the whole of Asia, who came from the, and was educated as a, proletariat, who organized the proletariat]. Social Science Diliman, 9(1):87-121.


Thukul, Wiji. 2013. I Want to Be a Bullet! Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia, 49(2): 194-200.
