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The State-Owned Enterprises Reform in Vietnam


The economic renovation in Vietnam has shown promising achievements. The process of reforming and equitizing stateowned enterprises, and reducing subsidies from the government have made significant progress since 1986. However, this policy has not received the adequate valuation from leaders. Big companies have not been equitized, and are still managed and subsidized by the government, resulted in budget losses. Corporations have been dominated by political interests. This has led to arguments for better and more feasible measures which could save national budget. Corruption in Vietnam mostly originates from state-owned enterprises, for the monopoly was given by government to those enterprises as foreign partners continue to compete under market-oriented mechanism and transparent supervision. Therefore, renovation of the business mechanism, as well as speeding up equitization and minimizing people’s properties, have become crucial in the regional integration trend. This is entirely a vital factor in the renovation process. This study explores plans, as well as the merits of the renovation process in Vietnam, ultimately envisioning to overcome current consequences and motivate Vietnam’s economy.

State-owned enterprises, government, corruption, equitization, interest groups



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