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A Study on the TV Audition Show's Distortion of Reality with Sartre's Existentialism which shows Media Subjectivity and Ethicality


This study looks to explore situations in which the authenticity of reality audition programs is inherently distorted by subjective intervention through a theoretical model of existentialism and case study of how it was practiced in an actual program. In detail, we examine the impact on the essence of human subjective intervention and the behavior by free will and use Sartre's existentialism a theoretical model and a Korean audition program <Produce 101> series as the case for the study. We believe that the producers intended to narrow the audiences choices by creating a favorable environments for certain participants (trainees as they were called) to be recognized and liked by the voting audiences. We look to "subjectivity," the first principle of existentialism, people determine their essence through free will, and all actions in the production process are aimed at achieving that goal, which keeps the position balance of final debut group by creating the character image and personality through character making, storytelling and increasing or decrease the assigned air-time of each individuals.

오디션 프로그램, 리얼리티, 왜곡, 실존주의, 주관성, 상품성
