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A study on narrative text analysis from the perspective of information processing - focusing on four computational methodologies


Analysis of narrative texts has been regarded as academically and practically important, and has been made from various perspectives and methods. In this paper, the computational narrative analysis methodology from the perspective of information processing was examined. From the point of view of information processing, the creation and acceptance of narrative is a bidirectional coding process mediated by narrative text, and narrative text can be said to be a multi-layered structured code. In this paper, four methodologies that share this point of view - character network analysis, text mining and sentiment analysis, continuity analysis of event composition, and knowledge analysis of narrative agents - were examined together with cases. Through this, the mechanism and possibility of computational methodology in narrative analysis were confirmed. In conclusion, the significance and side effects of computational narrative analysis were examined, and the necessity of designing a human-computer collaboration model based on the consilience of the humanities and science/technology was discussed. Based on this model, it was argued that aesthetically creative, ethically good, politically progressive, and cognitively sophisticated narratives could be made more effectively.

서사 분석, 디지털 인문학, 캐릭터 네트워크, 감성 분석, 서사 에이전트, 서사 지능
