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A Study of the Funding Policy to Strengthen Cultural Content in the Arts and Media: Considering the Adoption a Group Writing System like that Used by US TV Shows Creators, such as a 'Storytelling Factory'


In the 21st century, developing cultural industry is an important issue world-wide. Since the Kim Daejoong government, Korea has focused on cultural industry development and has thereby treated it as one of the basic, necessary industries. Therefore, the industry is being supported both financially and politically. This policy nurtured the development of quality and quantity within the cultural content industry. However, most of the reports and studies about Korean cultural content have shown it is still not strong enough to compete with leading countries in the field. Competitiveness of storytelling is especially weak. The goal of this study is to find the best direction for the funding policy to strengthen competitiveness in storytelling. Analysing the policies of the No Moo-hyun and Lee Myoung-park governments, we can see that they primarily focused on developing infrastructure in investment and the distribution environment. Support for producing content and distribution follows after confirmation of results. Moreover, policies for the support of developing ideas within culture content are vertical. Currently in the industry, a person or company decides how and where to use the moneys available for investment in the development of content. However, we need to invest more directly, initial funding is required. We analysed the market, studying its activity, achievement and limitations. As a result, we suggest a 'Storytelling Factory' like the group writing system adopted by US TV Shows.

문화콘텐츠, 글로벌경쟁력, 창작지원정책, 미드시스템, 스토리델링
