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Legal Protection Of Geographic Indications Of Traditional Food “Tahu Kuning Kediri” Jawa Timur, Indonesia

Asian Journal of Business Environment / Asian Journal of Business Environment, (P)2765-6934; (E)2765-7027
2021, v.11 no.2, pp.39-46
Niniek WAHYUNI (University of Kadiri Indonesia)
Satriyani Cahyo WIDAYATI (University of Kadiri Indonesia)
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the opportunity for the traditional food of Tahu Kuning Kediri (Kediri Yellow Tofu) as a product that deserves legal protection in the form of geographic indications. Methodology: This research is a normative juridical study that emphasizes secondary data from literary studies. The research subjects are policies and regulations related to geographic indications. Findings: Based on the description above, it can be concluded that the traditional food of „Tahu Kuning Kediri‟ meets the requirements for legal protection in the form of a geographical indicator because it fulfills four conditions, namely a sign indicating its origin, GI objects in the form of goods and/or products, geographical factors and certain characteristics of goods and/or products that are different from other traditional regional yellow tofu food. Conclusions: The process of applying for legal protection in the form of geographic indications can be carried out by the association of MSMEs of „Tahu Kuning Kediri‟ producers who are already legal in collaboration with the local government and submit to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights by attaching the proposed Geographical Indication book.

Legal Environment of Traditinal Food, Geographical Indication, Tahu Kuning Kediri, Legal and Policy Implication.



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Asian Journal of Business Environment