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  • P-ISSN2765-6934
  • E-ISSN2765-7027
  • KCI

Export-Import Value Nowcasting Procedure Using Big Data-AIS and Machine Learning Techniques

Asian Journal of Business Environment / Asian Journal of Business Environment, (P)2765-6934; (E)2765-7027
2022, v.12 no.3, pp.1-12
Jimmy NICKELSON (Politeknik Statistika STIS)
Rani NOORAENI (Politeknik Statistika STIS)
EFLIZA (BPS-Statistic Indonesia)


Purpose: This study aims to investigate whether AIS data can be used as a supporting indicator or as an initial signal to describe Indonesia's export-import conditions in real-time. Research design, data, and methodology: This study performs several stages of data selection to obtain indicators from AIS that truly reflect export-import activities in Indonesia. Also, investigate the potential of AIS indicators in producing forecasts of the value and volume of Indonesian export-import using conventional statistical methods and machine learning techniques. Results: The six preprocessing stages defined in this study filtered AIS data from 661.8 million messages to 73.5 million messages. Seven predictors were formed from the selected AIS data. The AIS indicator can be used to provide an initial signal about Indonesia's import-export activities. Each export or import activity has its own predictor. Conventional statistical methods and machine learning techniques have the same ability both in forecasting Indonesia's exports and imports. Conclusions: Big data AIS can be used as a supporting indicator as a signal of the condition of export-import values in Indonesia. The right method of building indicators can make the data valuable for the performance of the forecasting model.

export-import in Indonesia, AIS Data, forecasting, ANN, ARIMA



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Asian Journal of Business Environment