ISSN : 2765-6934
Purpose – The research aimed to reveal real decisional behavioral of management institutes in India for social media marketing usage, and analyses of empirical elements of social media consumption pattern. Research design, data, and methodology – The investigation was based around a research methodology using quantitative analysis with appropriate statistical techniques on random surveys of consumers, detailed exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses are applied to assess the empirical validity of the model and multiple regression employed using R studio edition to validate the reliability of the developed models. Results – A new conceptual framework is proposed – the management institutions decision model, providing a tool for effective and more focused decision-making strategies for developing better utilization techniques for social media. Management institutions have different requirements based upon objectives and resources available. The evidence suggests that the administrators need to be more aware of consumer indicators when targeting and designing social media marketing strategy. Conclusions – The research was based on samples and not the entire population of target consumers, providing limitations. As an inferential statistical method was chosen, the results might be susceptible to inaccuracy. The model developed from different age users, thereby providing rich perspectives into social media usage pattern.
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