This study investigates the productivity of Indonesian social scientists during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a particular concentration on their contributions to COVID-19 prevention and management. By categorizing social science research according to themes such as authors' gender, authors' institution of origin, forms of collaboration, and journal quality, this study examines the patterns and factors that influence research output. Using information from the Scopus database, 1,071 journal articles were analyzed in total. The findings indicate that collaborations with foreign researchers considerably improve productivity and publication quality, with Malaysian and Australian institutions serving as the most active partners. Nevertheless, there are gender disparities, as female authors write and are cited less frequently than male authors. The study stresses the importance of increasing international collaboration among Indonesian authors and implementing affirmative action policies to support and empower female researchers. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing policymakers, funding agencies, and academic institutions with recommendations for fostering a more inclusive and influential research environment in Indonesia.