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  • P-ISSN2287-1608
  • E-ISSN2287-1616
  • KCI

Classification of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition and Evaluation of Each Type: Focusing on the Support Case of H University in Korea

Classification of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Recognition and Evaluation of Each Type: Focusing on the Support Case of H University in Korea

Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy / Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, (P)2287-1608; (E)2287-1616
2024, v.13 no.2, pp.133-158
Chang-Ryong Ko (Hannam University)


This study aims to classify how entrepreneurial preparers recognize opportunities and evaluate the appropriateness of preparer’s evaluation by type. Additionally, it examines the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. Data were collected from participants in the entrepreneurship support program at H University, Korea. Startup opportunities were categorized based on the domains of preparation and insight, resulting in 16 types. The findings are as follows: First, the primary source of entrepreneurial opportunities was experience, followed by social networks and specialized knowledge. Second, 27.5% of participants exhibited proper opportunity recognition in the preparation domain, while only 7.5% did so in the insight domain. Third, entrepreneurs evaluated their entrepreneurial opportunities more favorably than experts. Fourth, entrepreneurship education significantly affected specific business plan components, such as market analysis, product development, and profit strategies. Fifth, entrepreneurship education not only enhanced entrepreneurial skills but also discouraged those not suited for entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, Entrepreneurial opportunity source, Entrepreneurial opportunity type. Entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation, Entrepreneurial education effectiveness.


This study aims to classify how entrepreneurial preparers recognize opportunities and evaluate the appropriateness of preparer’s evaluation by type. Additionally, it examines the effectiveness of entrepreneurship education. Data were collected from participants in the entrepreneurship support program at H University, Korea. Startup opportunities were categorized based on the domains of preparation and insight, resulting in 16 types. The findings are as follows: First, the primary source of entrepreneurial opportunities was experience, followed by social networks and specialized knowledge. Second, 27.5% of participants exhibited proper opportunity recognition in the preparation domain, while only 7.5% did so in the insight domain. Third, entrepreneurs evaluated their entrepreneurial opportunities more favorably than experts. Fourth, entrepreneurship education significantly affected specific business plan components, such as market analysis, product development, and profit strategies. Fifth, entrepreneurship education not only enhanced entrepreneurial skills but also discouraged those not suited for entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurial opportunity recognition, Entrepreneurial opportunity source, Entrepreneurial opportunity type. Entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation, Entrepreneurial education effectiveness.
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게재확정일Accepted Date

Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy