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  • P-ISSN2287-1608
  • E-ISSN2287-1616
  • KCI

The Strategy for the Demand-Integrated Research and Development Network of Care Robots in Taiwan

Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy / Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, (P)2287-1608; (E)2287-1616
2024, v.13 no.2, pp.206-230
Tsung-Che Wei (Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)
Alfred Li-Ping Cheng (Asia Pacific Industrial Analysis Association (APIAA))
Chih-Ming Hung (Chung-Hua Institution for Economic Research)


To address the needs of a super-aged society, the development of care robots requires engaging in experiential communication with users on both physiological and psychological levels to create service systems that effectively solve related challenges. This approach leads to a demand-integrated R&D network. This study explores the demand for care robots in Taiwan and identifies gaps in the development of R&D networks. It also examines Japan’s experience in promoting care robot technology and proposes strategic recommendations that could assist Taiwan’s development. The study yields three main implications. The first is to form a demand-integrated business ecosystem centered on the concept of clinical co-creation. The second is to establish a platform for integrating the needs of care robot technology to fill the gaps in the core technologies and service verification. The third is to pursue the acceleration of cross-ministerial connections between R&D and demand-side policies.

Care robots, super-aged society, demand-integrated R&D network, Taiwanese issue, Japanese experience
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Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy