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About review

Editorial Review

All manuscripts are subjected to editorial peer review. Upon submission, each manuscript will be quality checked by the editorial office before being sent for review, usually by an Editor and two more referees. The referee's comments and Editor's recommendation will be reviewed by the Editor-in Chief, who will communicate the decision to the author. A paper may be accepted in its original form or accepted subject to revision. The reviewers' suggestions will be conveyed to the corresponding author without identifying the designated editor and reviewers and the author will have an opportunity for revision. If a manuscript returned to an author for revision is held longer than two months, or if revision is sufficiently extensive, the date of receipt of the revised manuscript will be substituted for the initial date of receipt.


After Acceptance

Upon acceptance, authors must transfer copyright to the Korean Society of Oriental Pharmacy by submitting the Copyright Transfer Agreement. The Copyright Transfer Agreement should be signed by the corresponding author. Unless this agreement is signed, JEBHM will not publish the manuscript. The manuscripts requiring English correction will be edited by a contracted English editing service and the charge for English editing may be issued to the corresponding author. Corresponding authors will receive proofs by e-mail (PDF proofs). Authors must check the proofs and return any corrections within 48 hours. The content of an article cannot be changed during galley proof reading. Please note that request for erratum to append or change authors or acknowledgement section will not be accepted after publication in an online issue.

Journal of Evidence-Based Herbal Medicine