ISSN : 0376-4672
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the public dentist's professional education for 81 dentists employed at the public health centers and dental clinics in the National hospitals. The purpose of this education was to improve public dentist's abilities to perform their duties. The 3days education was from 28 May until 30 May in ‘2008. The total 81 participants consisted of 8 medical position dentists, 20 employment position dentists, and 53 public health dentists. The survey provided appraisal of the education and suggestion of the development after this education. The obtained results were as followings : 1.The public dental health project for the disabled people(91.4%) was a top priority. The second rank was the public dental health education project (87.6%) and the public dental health project for the aged people(86.4%) was followed. 2.The participants agreed that public dentist's professional educational programs were necessary(87.6%). 3. The participants did not have difficulties in attending this education(56.8%). 4. The participants who participated in '2008 public dentists' professional education were satisfied with this educational programs(81.4%). 5. Not only did the public dentists need the preventive dentistry programs and the treatment of the disabled people but also needed the health administrative programs and the health statistical programs in the future.
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