open access
메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
1. Contemporary Sedation of Children for the Dental Practice: Enteral and Parenteral Techniques. AAPD Manual. March 2009
2. 대한소아치과학회 임상가이드라인
3. Guideline for Monitoring and Management of Pediatric Patients During and After Sedation for Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures developed and endorsed by AAP and AAPD 2006
4. Should chloral hydrate be banned? Steinberg AD.Pediatrics.1993Sep;92(3):442-6
5. The assessment of genotoxic effects in lymphocyte cultures of infants treated with chloral hydrate. Ikbal M,Tastekin A,Dogan H,Pirim I,Ors R.MutatRes.2004Dec12;564(2):159-64.
6. Potential carcinogenicity of chloral hydrate--a review. Salmon AG,Kizer KW,Zeise LJackson RJ,Smith MT.JToxicolClinToxicol.1995;33(2):115-21.
7. Comparison of chloral hydrate, meperidine, and hydroxyzine to midazolam regimens for oral sedation of pediatric dental patients. Chowdhury J,Vargas KG. Pediatr Dent. 2005 May- Jun;27(3):191-7.
8. A prospective study of 2 sedation regimens in children: chloral hydrate, meperidine, and hydroxyzine versus midazolam, meperidine, and hydroxyzine. Sheroan MM,Dilley DC,Lucas WJ,Vann WF.AnesthProg.2006Fall;53(3):83-90
9. Interdisciplinary approach to endodontic therapy for uncooperative children in a dental school environment. J Dent Educ. Soares F,Britto LR,Vertucci FJ,Guelmann M 2006Dec;70(12):1362-5. Links
10. Atomized intranasal midazolam use for minor procedures in the pediatric emergency dept. Lane RD,Schunk JE.PediatrEmergCare.2008May;24(5):300-3. Links
11. An evaluation of oral and nasal midazolam for pediatric dental sedation. Hartgraves PM,Primosch RE.ASDCJDentChild.1994May-Jun;61(3):175-81.Links
12. Premedication with midazolam in young children: a comparison of four routes of administration Kogan A,Katz J,Efrat R,Eidelman LA. PaediatrAnaesth.2002Oct;12(8):685-9.