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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30



치의학 역사 수업의 질적 연구 논문과수필에 관한 연구

The Study on the qualitative research paper and essay done in dental history class


reviewed current problems of the dentistry and dental care system by adopting historical thinking, in forms of essays, editorials, and papers, The purpose of this study is to know whether writing has educational benefits on students. Analysis of the writings and Student course evaluation showed that it is beneficial. All of the students agreed on submitting a qualitative study project instead of taking midterms on 2016. The approval ratio has increased over the years, on 2014 being 82%, on 2015 being 98%, on 2016 being 100%. For that reason, it is not an assertion to deduce that the students have experienced benefits while developing their genuine thoughts on the current status or problems, exploring what their role is, and what they will face. The chronological thinking had been used throughout the researches to identify what Dentistry and Dentist is. Dentistry have encompassed knowledges of natural sciences, humanities and other fields when needed to perfect itself. In doing so, Dentist achieved independence from doctor or other cooperatives. Research on Korean Dental care system has involved in historical thinking, including historical analysis, inquisition, and historical imagination, insight. etc. If the in-depth evaluation consisting of history and writing is sustained, it would be very effective teaching method.

qualitative research, essay, historical thinking



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