- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Background : This case is to report a gallbladder cancer patient treated with Korean Medicine who could not receive conventional cancer therapies such as operation and chemotherapy due to her underlying diseases, old age and poor performance. Method and Results : An eighty-year-old female patient was diagnosed with stage IV gallbladder cancer on Feb. 2014 and she already had hypertension, diabetes and Parkinsonism. Comprehensive Korean Medicine (KM) treatments instead of operation and chemotherapy were administrated due to her poor condition and old age. KM treatments were done focused on improving symptoms and quality of life combined with best supportive care. During KM treatments her abdominal pain was generally managed and she survived for 22 months. Conclusion : Further studies should be performed in the future to clarify the survival benefit and symptom management of comprehensive KM treatments.