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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

Assessment of Validity of Inpatient Classification System in Korean Medicine (KDRG-KM)

Journal of Korean Medicine / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2016, v.37 no.3, pp.112-122

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Objectives: This study aimed to assess the validity of ‘Korean Diagnosis Related Groups-Korean Medicine (KDRG-KM)’which was developed by Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (HIRA) in 2013 Methods: Among inpatient EDI claim data issued by hospitals and clinics in 2012, the data which included Korean medicine procedures were selected and analyzed. We selected control targets in the Korean medicine hospitals which had longer Episodes-Costliness index (ECI) and Lengthiness index (LI) than average of total Korean medicine hospitals, and compared the results of selection between the major diagnosis-based patient classification system and the KDRG-KM system. Finally, the explanation power (R2) and coefficient of variation (CV) of the KDRG-KM system using practice expenses were calculated. Results: The numbers of control target in Korean medicine hospitals changed from 36 to 32 when patient grouping adjustment method was changed from major diagnosis to KDRG-KM. For expenses of all outpatient claim data on Korean medicine, explanation power of KDRG-KM system was 66.48% after excluding outliers. CVs of expenses of patient groups in Korean medicine hospitals were gathered from under 70% to under 90%, and those in long-term care hospitals mostly belonged under 70%. Conclusions: The validity of KDRG-KM system was assured in terms of explanation power. By adapting KDRG-KM system, fairness of control targets selection for costliness management in Korean medicine hospitals can be enhanced.

Patient classification system, Diagnosis related groups, Korean Medicine, explanation power, Costliness index, Lengthiness index



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Journal of Korean Medicine