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Editorial Board Guidelines

Disclaimer: This is an English translation of the original Korean document "편집위원회 규정". In case of any discrepancy, the Korean version takes precedence.

Article 1. (Purpose) These guidelines aim to establish the composition, operation, and duties of the Editorial Committee of the Korean Association for Digital Humanities (KADH), as well as basic information about the academic journal published by this association.

Article 2. (Composition and Qualifications) In accordance with Article 21 (Editorial Committee) of Chapter 4 of the association's bylaws, this committee consists of at least 5 association members (lifetime members or regular members), including the Editor-in-Chief and editorial board members. The Editor-in-Chief must have more than 10 years of research and education experience and have published at least 2 papers or books in related fields within the past 2 years. Editorial board members must have more than 5 years of research and education experience and have published at least 1 paper or book in related fields within the past 2 years.

Article 3. (Appointment) The Editor-in-Chief is appointed by the association's president, and editorial board members can be recommended by the Editor-in-Chief from those who meet the qualifications in Article 2 of these guidelines. The terms of office for the Editor-in-Chief and editorial board members are 2 years, and they may be reappointed.

Article 4. (Duties) The committee performs the following duties: planning and editing of the academic journal, overseeing article submissions, selection of reviewers and management of the review process, proposing amendments to the 'Editorial Committee Guidelines and Article Submission and Review Guidelines', and other matters delegated by the association. Article submission, review, and publication decisions are conducted based on the 'Submission Guidelines' and 'Review Guidelines' established by this committee.

Article 5. (Consultation) The committee convenes meetings for editorial board members based on the authority and request of the Editor-in-Chief, and decisions are made following general meeting rules. The committee may appoint a separate secretary if deemed necessary.

Article 6. (Journal Title) The Korean title of the academic journal published by this association is <디지털인문학> (Digital Humanities), and the English title is .

Article 7. (Journal Publication) The academic journal published by this association is, in principle, issued twice a year, with publication dates of May 31 and November 30. The frequency and timing of publication may be changed by resolution of the Editorial Committee.

Supplementary Provisions ① Other matters follow general conventions or the resolutions of the Editorial Committee.

② These guidelines are effective from February 8, 2023.

Korean Journal of Digital Humanities