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Encoding the Interpretative Layers of Śāstra Literature with TEI Guidelines

Korean Journal of Digital Humanities / Korean Journal of Digital Humanities, (E)3058-311X
2024, v.1 no.1, pp.51-72
Hyoung Seok Ham (Chonnam National University)


This paper discusses how the scholarly genre of Indian literature known as śāstra can be encoded according to TEI guidelines. While projects such as SARIT have proposed text encoding standards for Indian literature, they mainly focus on encoding philological information. To better serve the need of interpretatively oriented researchers, interpretive information is to also be defined as data. This paper proposes to consider reference information (mentions, quotations) and concept-word usage information as data and to develop a schema that is TEI-conformant and SARIT-compatible. The resulting dataset will place the study of Indian philosophy on a more solid historical footing.

Indian Philosophy, śāstra, TEI, Text Encoding, intertextuality

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Korean Journal of Digital Humanities