"Three cases of chronic cough treated with Gui-Zhi-Tang(桂枝湯) in Shanghanlun 12th, and 15th text "
The Journal of Korean Medical Association of Clinical Sanghan-Geumgwe / The Journal of Korean Medical Association of Clinical Sanghan-Geumgwe, (P)2287-8696; (E)2288-744X
2013, v.5 no.1, pp.31-43
(2013). "Three cases of chronic cough treated with Gui-Zhi-Tang(桂枝湯) in Shanghanlun 12th, and 15th text ". The Journal of Korean Medical Association of Clinical Sanghan-Geumgwe, 5(1), 31-43, https://doi.org/10.22891/kmedia.2013.5.1.31
- keywords
Six meridian patterns diagnostic system (六經診斷體 系),
Chronic cough"