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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

Construction of the Theory of Soul and Its Relation to Epistemology in Neo-Confucianism

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2006, v.29 no.4, pp.119-148
Woohyung Kim
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I will analyze and explain the construction of the theory of human soul and its relation to the concept of mind and nature (xin-xing) in Neo-Confucianism in this paper by especially focusing on epistemological issues. Traditionally the Confucian concept of soul (hun-po) means the ghosts and spirits (gui-shen) of human beings. Under this interpretation, Neo-Confucianism also has a tendency to deal with soul as a subject of study on human beings. Neo-Confucianism, however, differs in methodology and perspective from previous thoughts through which it is explained. While the concept of gui-shen is transformed into the formal, a priori, and nominal concepts which are used in cognitive awareness (chih-chüeh) like yin-yang in Zhu Xi's philosophy, soul is regarded as the entity of the mind, which is an agent of cognitive awareness. I will provide evidence that epistemological issues were given much more weight in Neo-Confucianism by analyzing these concepts. At the same time, however, another aspect of Neo-Confucianism is that the concept of soul (hun-po) has been never thrown away in order to justify sacrificial rites where, by Zhu Xi's thought, the ritual performer can feel the arrival of the soul of the deceased. This aspect is probably related to practical and political interests.

Neo-Confucianism, soul, ghosts and spirits, mind and nature, cognitive awareness, 주자학, 혼백, 귀신, 심성, 지각



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