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메뉴ISSN : 2092-738X
This paper aims at scrutinizing how the women's image in the Thai film 'Nang-Nak' has ben represented, afecting the Thai people intensely and achieving its great suces in spite of having the background of 19th century and being a remaker. To fulfil the purpose and analyze the argument, the ideas of Le(1989), Joan(1973) and Jo(196) are used as theoretical concepts for this study. As a result, two images of Thai women sem to be revealed in the movie. The first image, drawn from 'Maen' and 'Mian', is conventional, somewhat ideal type for Thai women, so being a common aspect. What makes the movie a big deal, however, is another image which the heroine 'Nak' has shown, atracting the audience to be moved to tears. It may be aparently an idiosyncratic or extraordinary one from the traditonal point of view in Thailand, but in other sense is a new, fresh image for which the contemporary Thai women want to sek. That is why the movie became one of the most popular in Thailand.
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영화감독 논씨 니미붓. 영화 <낭낙> 감독.
영화감독 용윳 텅껑툰. 영화사 GTH 해외담당 이사.
영화감독 위씻 싸싸나티양. 영화 <낭낙> 시나리오 작가.
영화전문잡지 Flicks 발행인 나컨 위라쁘라왓.
영화제작자 싸응아 찻차이룽르엉.
영화평론가 안차리 차이워라펀.