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OA Policy

Self-Archiving policy

The author(s) are permitted to self-archive Pre-print, Post-print version of the article published in test journal.

Pre-print version may be posted from Soon after publication under the CC BY-NC on , Journal_homepage,
Post-print version may be posted from Soon after publication under the CC BY-NC on , Journal_homepage.

Article Processing Charge (APC policy)
The charge paid for an article that is accepted for open access publication in test journal is ₩34,253,245 .

- ₩53,426 is reduced for articles without an acknowledgement section
- Based on the final edited version, if the number of pages exceeds (1 ~ 54) , ₩2,345 is added.

OA Financial Transparency

test journal Journal’s publication costs are supported by author fees , self-funded budget (academic society, institution, publisher) , public funding (domistic) (1234, 5342) .

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