Purpose: This paper explores diverse issues related to the problem of women’s unpaid domestic care work, and as a factor of gender inequality in their professional practice. Research Design: This article concentrated only on the analysis of secondary data available on the topic along with observation of facts in Kazakhstan based on diverse sources. In current conditions, the problem of women's unpaid domestic care work, and consequently, the lack of enough time and energy for professional employment. Distinguish domestic work vs. job/career/occupation, selffulfillment, education, and leisure has a significant impact on women's life satisfaction. Data, and Methodology: This article focuses only on secondary data available in different sources from which the researchers procures comprehensive data and information. Results and conclusion: A family policy that aims to promote combining maternity, and domestic work with paid employment is an effective way to increase the proportion of working mothers/women. It is crucial to not only proportionally distribute the household responsibilities in the family but also to form an effective mechanism of state support for women through the development of the social services sector, as well as the adoption of a system-wide approach to gender equality.
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