Purpose: The purpose of this study is for the leading sector, a pattern of shifting structure of the economic sector, and community export competitiveness on the economy Malinau Regency. Research design, data, and methodology: The type of data used is secondary data with a quantitative approach of 2009-2018. The study data used Location Quotient (LQ), Shift Share Analysis (SSA), and Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) analysis tools. Results: There are 6 leading sectors: agriculture; electricity, gas, and clean water; building and construction; trade, hotels, and restaurants. That has been classified has changed the economic structure of the Malinau Regency from the secondary sector to the tertiary and primary sectors in 10 years. While, community export competitiveness of the Malinau Regency through RCA Analysis, see if the export products of coal and excavation (types A, B, C) are shown to have a higher comparative advantage with comparative advantage. This shows that only a few commodities that can provide the good performance of export. Conclusions: Analysis of economic growth in the Malinau Regency after regional autonomy shows that there has been a shift in the economic structure of the economy which is dominated by the structure of the primary sector.
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