Purpose - Because of the development of smartphone and communication technology, Smart TV programs are filled with various contents and applications. This study included additional individual variables like innovativeness and self-efficacy, and characteristics of smart TV are both user-interface and function as exogenous factors based on TAM model. So, this study focuses on identifying the influencing factors of continuous use intention of smart TV traits and user ones and analyzing how they make influences on them in China market. Research design, data, and methodology - Totally 182 samples were adopted as appropriate ones for analysis in this study. They were collected from 20 February 2016 to 10 March 2016. Results - The results are as follows. First, function has positive influence on perceived usefulness. Second, innovation and user-interface make affirmative influences on perceived easiness. Third, perceived easiness has affirmative influence on perceived usefulness. Fourth, the perceived easiness and perceived usefulness make positive ones on continuous use intention. Fifth, perceived ease of use affects significantly on perceived usefulness. Conclusions - According to the findings, they (smart TV traits and user traits), influencing on continuous use intention, are possible to give significant implications on persistent development in China smart TV market.
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