Purpose - This study aims to examine the determinants of income management of the public servant. Three independent variables are examined such as attitude towards money, financial capability and debt management while the dependent variable is financial wellbeing of public servants. Research design, data, and methodology – Quantitative research is applied in this study, and data are collected by using cross sectional approach. Survey questionnaires are obtained from 270 respondents, which represents 79% response rate. The multiple regressions are used to examine the influence of attitude towards money, financial capability and debt management towards financial wellbeing. Results - The result of the multiple regression indicated positive influences of attitude towards money and financial capability on financial wellbeing. However, debt management found no significant influence on financial wellbeing. Conclusions - Research findings show that people have different attitudes towards money and different trends of expenditure. It is also crucial to be highlighted that employees’ attitude and financial capability have a greater influence on overall satisfaction with employees’ financial wellbeing. Some would want to show off their luxury items they bought to close friends or relatives and some are very prudent in making expenditures even for necessity items.
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