Purpose – The study aims to substantiate the approaches and principles of forming a model of social and labor relations adequate to the modern conditions of economic development. Research design, data, and methodology - The article deals with the issues of legal regulation of social and labor relations in the labor market of Kazakhstan; describes the current model of labor relations and its basic parameters; determines the external and internal factors; specifically, the influence of the new labor law on its further development in the direction of democratization and the establishment of social partnership as a regulatory institution in the labor relations field. Result - Result is the model of the system of social and labor relations proposed by the author, which allows us to cover the multifaceted nature of this phenomenon, to unite the influence of the external environment and the internal complex of their mutual relations and interdependencies. Conclusion - The creation of an effective model of social and labor relations should proceed from the multifaceted nature of their manifestation. This means that the theoretical and methodological basis for their formation should be a comprehensive approach to solving the problems of transformation and interaction of social and economic components.
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