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  • P-ISSN2287-1608
  • E-ISSN2287-1616
  • KCI

Entrepreneurial Learning and Indian Tech Startup Survival: An Empirical Investigation

Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy / Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, (P)2287-1608; (E)2287-1616
2018, v.7 no.1, pp.55-78
H S Krishna (Indian Institute of Science)


This paper investigates the linkage between the mode of transformation of entrepreneurial learning into outcomes and the subsequent impact of these learning outcomes in enhancing the survival of high-tech startups in India. The study uses data from 45 high-tech startups headquartered across different locations in India for the purpose of analysis. Survival Analysis of the data is conducted to determine which mode of learning transformation and what type of en trepreneurial decision making preference have a significant influence on the survival of Indian high-tech startups and to what extent do they impact their survival. The results indicate that entrepreneur's prior startup experience, explorative mode of learning transformation, causal decision making of the entrepreneur and availability of funding for the startup as the key factors that reduce the time to survival of Indian high-tech startups. They also provide key insights on how these factors impact the startup survival in this region.

Entrepreneurial learning, high-tech startup survival, effectuation, India



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Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy