ISSN : 2287-1608
Institution-based Technology Business Incubators are on the rise in India, as a means of promoting innovation-based tech start-up ecosystems, due to increased policy initiatives. Against this background, we have traced the origin and process of building a start-up ecosystem in IIT Madras, Chennai of India, based on semi-structured interviews held with the stakeholders of the ecosystem. Subsequently, we have ascertained the key components of IIT Madras start-up ecosystem, and the process of incubation comprising pre-incubation, incubation and post-incubation phases. Finally, we have derived the key lessons from the ecosystem development experience and incubation process which enable generation of start-ups from both students and faculty, apart from alumni and ex-industry executives. Though this ecosystem model has emerged over a period of time through learning and experience, the ecosystem is able to generate more than 100 start-ups, majority of them being from students and faculty. Thus, the evolved start-up ecosystem of IIT Madras is able to generate faculty-supported and student-led entrepreneurship successfully.
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