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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
The purposes of this work were to assess the cognition of the registered nurse(RN) on oral and maxillofacial emergency treatment and to compare cognition of the RN with that of the 119 emergency medical technician(EMT). 450 RNs who were working at each of secondary hospitals in Jeju province had responded to the questionnaire. Independent sample t-test and chi-square test were used to assess the state of RN on dental emergency treatment and to compare RN with EMT. The question 'education time on dentistry in formal education' that marked '0 hour' and '1-3 hours' were 73.3% and 20.0%,respectively. The question 'refresher training class on dentistry' that marked '0 hour' and '1-3 hours' were 92.9% and 6.7%,aggregately 99.6%. The results showed low score in the question 'reduction of temporo-mandibular joint(TMJ)'(1.67±0.857),'fixation of dislocated TMJ'(1.70±0.853) and 'post-avulsed tooth treatment'(1.78±0.774) by 5-point Likert scale. Likewise, the scores were 2.02±0.806 in the question 'treatment of maxillofacial trauma', 2.76±1.061 in the question 'emergent care of avulsed tooth', 2.70±1.095 in the question 'treatment time of avulsed tooth' and 2.79±1.056 in the question 'mouth guard', respectively. Compared to EMT, results of RN showed a statistically lower figure(ph0.05) in all items compared except the question 'medicine control', and the question 'doctor care in emergency room' was borderline(p=0.069). From this study, it is necessary for RN and student of nursing science to be educated on the oral and maxillofacial emergency treatment for the initial management of injuries. Authors suggest further co-study and nation-wide research with nursing care.
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