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The critical factors affecting the esthetics of anterior implants can be summarized as following: 1) Correct positioning of implant fixture 2) Enough amount of alveolar bone 3) Optimum volume of soft tissue. The position of implant is probably the most important factor in obtaining esthetic treatment outcome. The 3-dimensional orientation of implant is determined by the position on the alveolar ridge and its direction. Clinicians often try to mimic natural teeth when fabricating restorations. During the course of esthetic diagnosis and treatment, however, one should not forget to consider the correlation between facial pattern, lips,gingiva, alveolar ridge, as well as remaining dentition. Since anterior region is biologically unfavorable when compared with posterior region, one minor discrepancy in positioning of implant can cause esthetically undesirable treatment outcome. If one understands the biological and prosthetic meaning of implant’s 3-dimensional position, he or she can achieve superior esthetic outcome in anterior region.
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