ISSN : 0376-4672
Purpose: The institutionalized elderly have placed the most vulnerable state, and the report about the oral health status of the institutionalized elderly was scarce. The aims of the current study were to investigate the oral health status of institutionalized elderly. Materials and methods: The survey of the oral health status was carried out on 487 institutionalized elderly from 4 longterm care facilities of Seoul metropolitan city, Gyunggi province, and Gangwon province in Korea. Results: The prevalence of dental caries, root caries, and dental calculus of the institutionalized elderly was 19.2%, 15.3%, and 23.7%, respectively. The percentage of edentulism among the institutionalized elderly was 26.2%. Those who had poor oral hygiene and tongue coating were 43.9% and 90.5%, respectively. The percentages wearing complete and removable partial denture on maxilla were 12.8% and 3.3%, respectively. The percentages wearing complete and removable partial denture on mandible were 7.8% and 5.6%, respectively. The percentages of institutionalized elderly needing complete and removable partial denture on maxilla were 29.7% and 27.2%, respectively. The percentages of institutionalized elderly needing complete and removable partial denture on mandible were 24.5% and 30.9%, respectively. Conclusion: The oral health stuatus of institutionalized elderly was poor. For the oral health promotion of elderly in longterm care facilities, it is essential to educate nurses and caregivers about the importance of the oral health and oral hygiene method.
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