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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
Objectives: This study compared the mechanical efficacy of sonic activated and passive ultrasonic irrigation for removing intracanal medicament from a simulated root canal under controlled conditions. Materials and Methods: Thirty simulated root canal in resin blocks were randomly divided into 3-groups. The canals were enlarged using ProTaper files and K3XF (#30/0.06). After cleaning and drying, canals were filled with Calcipex. Overfilled materials were wiped out and measured their weight to the unit of 1/10mg. After one week storage in 100% humidity 37 temperature, canals were irrigated using 20mL of saline with one of following methods according to the designated groups (n = 10). For group-NI, 30-gauge nickel-titanium irrigation needle was used. During irrigation with every 5mL, needle was moved in-and-out with 4-mm amplitudes. EndoActivator and ultrasonic tip were used for group-EA and group-UT respectively for 20 seconds after every 5mL irrigation using needle. Then the weight was measured again to calculate the weight of residual remnants. The data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s post-hoc test at a significance level of 95%. Results: The weight of the residual medicaments were 3.62 0.81 mg, 2.84 0.28 mg, and 2.73 0.90 mg for group-NI, -EA, and -UT, respectively. Group-EA and group-UT had no significant differences to remove intracanal medicament and left significantly less amount of paste than group-NI (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Under the controlled conditions of this study, the sonic activation and PUI have similar mechanical efficacy for removing intracanal medicament.
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