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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
Individuals with special needs include those with behavioral issues, developmental disorders, cognitive disorders, congenital or genetic disorders, or systemic disease. These conditions may place them at increased risk for oral diseases. Dental management of patients with special needs require in-depth understanding of the background of disability and available behavioral guidance theories. Therefore dental team members need more training in the theory and practice of behavior management principles, which might lead to a clinical experience that is more respectful of the dignity and independence of patients with special needs. The dental professional should be flexible to modify the behavior management approach according to the individual patients needs. Also a family/care-giver centered approach based on their preferences and concerns, the patient's challenging behaviors, and related medical problem can serve to improve the treatment planning and oral health management of dental patients with special needs. This article focuses on uncooperative behavior and behavior management, which help practicing dentists to understand their role in the care of patients with special needs.
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