open access
메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
Various mucosal lesions are originated in oral cavity and trauma is most common cause of these lesions. Definitive treatment of these lesions is stop of traumatic events and removal. There are two representative removal methods in medical fields; conventional mess or LASER. Compare to conventional mess technique, LASER has several advantages such as bleeding control, pain reduction. Of the various LASER systems, CO2 LASER is regarded as best choice for general practitioners due to its convenience, universal use and high cost/benefit effects. In these article, we report the treatment cases of mucocele, fibroma, and leukoplakias using CO2 LASER. Eventhough there are malignancy potential of oral mucosal lesion especially leukoplakias, careful history taking, clinical examination, and regular check-up will help the general practitioners to manage these lesions. Simple and relatively safe oral mucosal lesions have to be treated more in general dental practitioners.
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