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  • 한국과학기술정보연구원(KISTI) 서울분원 대회의실(별관 3층)
  • 2024년 07월 03일(수) 13:30



국내외 치과 의료수가 비교현황 : 한국, 일본, 독일, 미국을 중심으로

Comparative study on Dental fees of Korea, Japan, Germany and United States


The price for health service are decided by very complicated process because many of factors are related with them. The RBRVS(resource-based relative value scale) were used to calculate the Korean health service fees including dental fees. This study aimed to compare dental fees of Korea with other countries, such as Japan, Germany, and the US for evaluating the adequacy. Dental fees were categorized as oral evaluation and imaging, dental treatment including restorative, periodontal, and surgical work, and preventive treatment and compared by each country. The official documents about dental fees were collected from Korea, Japan, Germany, and the US. Each fee was presented as their own currency at first. Then they were converted into Korean won (KRW) by applying the market exchange rates at a specific point of time. Finally the fees were adjusted by purchasing power parities (PPPs) which equalize the different currencies. In general, the level of Korean fees were markedly low compared to those of Japan, Germany, and the US. German fees were similar or higher than that of Japan, and the US. The Korean fees were lower than three other countries 1.2~4.1 times for oral evaluation and 2.2~7.3 times lower for panoramic radiography. The endodontic fees of Japan, Germany, and the US were higher 1.8~15.3 times and 4.0~35.9 times for the deciduous teeth extraction compared to the Korean. In Japan the prophylaxis was 3.2 times more priced than the Korean fee. Exceptionally, the fees for re-evaluation, amalgam filling, and scaling were lower priced in Japan than other countries. This study has limitations on the items in definition and contents of dental practices units which were not exactly comparable and differently determined by countries. However, this study is meaningful because it surveyed the price levels to compare four different countries and then applied PPPs adjustment. This finding can be used to develop the dental RBRVs of Korean national health insurance and will contribute to improving the payment systems of health care.

Dental fee, National health insurance, Relative value scales, Comparative studies, PPPs adjustment



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