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메뉴ISSN : 0376-4672
Objective: The objectives of this study were to measure pediatric organ and effective doses of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for orthodontic analysis and to compare them to those of panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiography, the conventional radiography for orthodontic analysis. Materials and Methods: Alphard VEGA for CBCT, Planmeca Proline XC for panoramic radiography and Orthophos CD for cephalometric radiography were used for this study. Thermoluminescent dosimeter (TLD) chips were located at 24 anatomic sites of 10-year-old anthropomorphic phantom and exposed during CBCT (C-mode; 200 x 179 mm FOV), panoramic and lateral cephalometric radiographic procedures at the clinical exposure settings for 10-year-old patient. Pediatric organ and effective doses were measured and calculated using ICRP 2007 tissue weighting factors. Results: Effective doses of CBCT, panoramic radiography and lateral cephlometric radiography in pediatric clinical exposure settings were 292.5 μSv, 19.3 μSv, and 4.4 μSv respectively. The thyroid gland contributed most significantly to the effective dose in all the radiographic procedures. Conclusion: Effective dose of CBCT was about 12 times to conventional radiographic procedures for orthodontic analysis in pediatric patient. The use of CBCT for orthodontic analysis should be fully justified over conventional radiography and dose optimization to decrease thyroid dose is needed in pediatric patients.
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