ISSN : 0376-4672
Although the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) calculates oral health functional restriction rate and chewing discomfort rate every year, these two indicators are not all indicators of oral health. Therefore, indicators are needed to subdivide by age group and cover dental caries, periodontal disease, remaining teeth, and oral care use. The purpose of this study is to identify the key indicators of oral health in mature and middle age. The average number of existing natural teeth, the rates of 20 or more natural teeth, complaints of chewing discomfort, oral examination, periodontal disease and dental caries, were analyzed using KNHANES VI (2013-2015) as a complex sample. In the age group between 40 and 64, there were 25.2 natural teeth remaining, 91.4% natural teeth retention rate, 23% chewing discomfort rate, 34.7% oral examination rate, 38.7% periodontal disease prevalence, 6.46 the number of caries experience teeth, 21.4% interdental brush usage rate.
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