- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objective: Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yìqìb xuè-tang) is one of the representative prescriptions for invigoration of vitality and nourishing of the blood. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yìqìb xuè-tang)on hair regrowth and cytokine changes in a shaving model of C57BL6 mice. Method: Five-week-old mice were acclimated for 1 week at a temperature between 21-23 É, 40-60% relative humidity, and 12h of a light/dark cycle before beginning of the experiment. There were two groups including normal saline (control) and a positive control of oral intake of Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yìqìb xuè-tang) extract (sample) in 18female mice. The test compounds were topically treated once a day over 14 days. The hair regrowth was photographically and histologically determined during the experimental period of 14 days. Revelation of TGF- 1 and β EGF were also determined using immunohistochemistry. In addition to that, IFN- , IL-4 and IL-10 were determined γ in serum. Results: Hair regrowth in the sample group was promoted earlier and faster than the control group, as shown by concentrations of hairs and thick-hair ratio in the sample group. TGF- 1 was not revealed in either control orsample β group. EGF was strongly positive in out root sheath of some thick hair of the sample group. Serum IFN- was γ significantly decreased in the sample group compared with the control group at 7 experimental days. However, it was not significantly decreased at 14 experimental days. Serum IL-4 was significantly increased in the sample group compared with the control group at 7 experimental days. However, it was not significantly decreased at 14experimental days. Serum IL-10 was decreased in the sample group compared with the control group, but with no real statistical significance. Conclusion: These results suggest that Yikgeebohyul-tang (Yìqìb xuè-tang) has hair growth promoting activity and it can be used for treatment of alopecia. Also, these effects relate to EGF revelation of hair roots, a decrease in serum IFN- , and an increase of serum IL-4.
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