• P-ISSN1010-0695
  • E-ISSN2288-3339

논문 상세

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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

디지털 설진기를 이용한 구취군과 비구취군 간의 설태 평가

Evaluation of Tongue Coating by Digital Tongue Diagnosis System between Halitosis and Non-Halitosis Patients.

대한한의학회지 / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2010, v.31 no.1, pp.23-29
정용재 (경희대학교)
김진성 (경희대학교)
오승환 (경희대학교)
한가진 (경희대학교)
김유승 (경희대학교)
홍인아 (경희대학교)
박영선 (경희대학교)
박재우 (경희대학교)
박경모 (경희대학교)
류봉하 (경희대학교)
  • 0다운로드 수
  • 223조회수


Objective: The aim of this prospective, case-controlled study was to assess the difference of the amount of tongue coating between halitosis and non-halitosis patients using a digital tongue diagnosis system (DTDS). Methods: Sixty-five patients complaining of oral malodor were recruited for the study. The level of volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) in the oral cavity of the patients was measured by a portable gas chromatography. All patients were then divided into two groups, the halitosis group (H2S 1.5ng/10ml, or CH3SH 0.5ng/10ml) and the non-halitosis group (H2S<1.5ng/10ml and CH3SH<0.5ng/10ml), according to the VSC level criteria published by Tonzetich. Tongue images of the two groups were acquired and analyzed by DTDS, followed by the analysis of the tongue coating scores. Results: The tongue coating scores of the halitosis group were significantly higher than of the non-halitosis group (P=0.033). Furthermore, the difference of the posterior tongue coating between the two groups was more significant (P=0.000). Conclusions: Halitosis patients were shown to have a thicker tongue coating than those in the non-halitosis group. Moreover, the posterior dorsum of the tongue should be observed more cautiously when dealing with halitosis patients. Also, the progress and state of the patient’s symptom of halitosis as diagnosed objectively by the portable gas chromatography could also possibly be analyzed instead by the DTDS tongue coating score.

halitosis, tongue coating, digital tongue diagnosis system, portable gas chromatography.



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