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  • P-ISSN 1010-0695
  • E-ISSN 2288-3339

한방치료를 통해 호전된 폐쇄성수면무호흡증 환자 3례에 대한 임상 보고

Case Report of Three Cases of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Improved with Oriental Medicine Treatment

대한한의학회지 / Journal of Korean Medicine, (P)1010-0695; (E)2288-3339
2012, v.33 no.1, pp.169-176
정환석 (경희대학교)
김호선 (편한잠 편한코 동인 한의원)
  • 다운로드 수
  • 조회수


Objectives: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is prevalent disorder, particularly among the middle-aged. In this study,we report a new approach to improve OSA using oriental medicine and acupuncture. Methods: Three men diagnosed with OSA were enrolled in this study. They took oriental medicine 3 times a day and were given acupuncture twice a week for about 4 months. Results: We analyzed apnea-hypopnea index (AHI), oxygen desaturation index (ODI), average saturation (AS) and lowest saturation (LS) before and after treatment. AHI highly decreased in all patients and ODI also decreased in two of the three patients. Conclusions: These results indicate that oriental medicine and acupuncture therapy was effective in the improvement of OSA. Further study in a larger group with severity grades is recommended.

obstructive sleep apnea, apnea hypopnea index, sleeping disorder



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