- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objectives: This study aimed to investigate the effect of banhasasim-tang intravenous herbal acupuncture (BST-IVHA) on emesis induced by chemotherapy in rats. Methods: This study used methotrexate(MTX)-induced Rat-Pica model. The rats were randomly allocated into seven groups; normal group, two saline groups, four Banhasasim-tang(BST) groups (groups treated with BST-IVHA). All the experimental animals except those in the normal group were injected with MTX. Those in the pre-treatment groups were treated with saline injection (saline group) or BST-IVHA (BST group) before MTX injection. Those in the post-treatment groups were treated with saline injection or BST-IVHA after MTX injection. Two different dosages of BST-IVHA solution (low dose; BST-1 group, high dose; BST-2 group) were used. The changes in body weight, food intake, and kaolin consumption at 24h, 48h, and 60h were monitored and analyzed. Results: 1. No significant change was found in body weight. 2. The food intake at 48h was increased significantly in the BST-1 pre-treatment group(19.89±0.01g) compared to the pre-saline group(18.68±0.26g). 3. The kaolin consumption was significantly decreased in the BST-1 pre-treatment group at 24h(0.24±0.02g) and 60h(0.36±0.14g), in the BST-2 pre-treatment group at 48h(0.02±0.01g) and 60h(0.80±0.31g) compared to the pre-saline group(24h:0.81±0.37g, 48h:0.76±0.43g, 60h:1.56±0.03g). The kaolin consumption was also significantly decreased in the in the BST-1 post-treatment group at 24h(0.05±0.02g), 48h(0.64±0.06g) and 60h(0.14±0.05g), in the BST-2 post-treatment group at 48h(0.01±0.01g) and 60h(0.01±0.01g) compared to the post-saline group(24h:0.51±0.4g, 48h:3.58±0.33g, 60h:2.5±0.2g). Conclusions: BST-IVHA showed an anti-emetic effect in MTX-induced rat-pica model. This result suggests that BST-IVHA could be an effective treatment for chemotherapy-induced emesis.
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