- P-ISSN 1010-0695
- E-ISSN 2288-3339
Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate influencing factors of using Korean medicine services (KMS) using the 2017 Korean Medicine Utilization Survey (KMUS). Methods: Demographic statistics of the survey were summarized and influencing factors of the KMS experience and the intention to visit KMS were analyzed using logistic regression model with complex sample design. Influencing factors were specified based on Andersen's behavioral model of health care utilization and factors associated with individual recognitions of KMS. Additionally, using the ordinary logistic regression model without complex sample design, the survey data were analyzed to compare the results. Results: In the logistic regression analysis, sex, age, health condition, presence of chronic disease, a degree of knowledge about Korean Medicine, and a view about herbal medicine safety were statistically significant both in the KMS experience, and the intention to visit KMS. Marital status was statistically significant in the KMS experience, while family income, a view about the cost of KMS were statistically significant in the intention to visit KMS. Conclusion: Individual recognitions of KMS and enabling components should be considered when establishing KMS policies. In addition, future studies analyzing KMUS need to take into account the complex sample design features of the survey to avoid statistically misleading results.
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