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  • P-ISSN 2799-7995
  • E-ISSN 2951-2069

The Psychological Analysis of Jealousy, the Green-eyed Monster: Focused on Jin-Muk and Bonggok in The Canonical Scripture

Journal of Daesoon Studies / Journal of Daesoon Studies, (P)2799-7995; (E)2951-2069
2022, v.3, pp.69-92
Jin-young Kim (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)
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The tragic narrative of Jin-Muk and Bonggok described in Chapter 3:14~15 in the Reordering Works of The Canonical Scripture focuses on the story in which Jin-Muk coceiving grievances due to his horrendous death led the gods of the enlightenment of the Dao and moved to the West. In addition, later, Jeungsan had them come back to Korea through the grievance-resolution and participate in the opening of the Later World. On the contrary to this phenomenological research, this study pays attention to the psychological analysis wherein a negative emotion which is so influential that it has rooted in human mind has changed the world history of civilization. Furthermore, Through the eye of Jeungsan, we look into the psychology of those two people, such as jealousy, anger, and resentment and apprehend how they manifest. Jealousy is a complex feeling that includes the feelings of grief and pain caused by the feeling of loss that one might lose what one loves, the enmity towards one’s successful rival, and one’s self-critical feeling and so on. Bonggok’s jealousy is an extreme and psychopathological emotion that combines enmity and anger. The jealousy that has spread in his arrogant mind has grown by the help of hatred and inferiority as the grievances have been accumulated in the Former World. At lat, he ended up with the co-destruction of Jin-Muk and himself. Furthermore, his jealousy led to the declination of the Eastern civilization. A butterfly fluttered its wings over a flower in human mind and caused enormous change in culture in a broad sense. In this context, the psychological analysis of the two people will provide an alternative view in interpreting a dimension of grievance so as to achieve resolution of grievance for mutual beneficence.

The Canonical Scripture, Jin-Muk, Bonggok, psychology, jealousy, anger

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Journal of Daesoon Studies