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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

Topographical Map of Gender in the Education of Chosun Period

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2006, v.29 no.1, pp.333-368
Lee Sookin
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This paper illuminates the education culture in Chosun period in terms of the production of gender power. The traditional education related with the modern perspective should be reexamined in two respects: one is the education for women and the other is the education of virtue. First, the education for women in Chosun period can not be understood through the general categorization for the traditional education which intended for ‘men(male)' or the view of modern education which divides the sphere of the public and the private. That is, though the education for women had nothing with the achievement of social promotion, the everyday life space was the field of education and all their behaviors were the subjects of education. At the moment, the education was understood as the whole process of producing and expanding the dominant ideology associated with ‘learning'. Second, the education of virtue in Chosun period was just the traditional method which created the hierarchial gender relationship. The virtue was a social construct that required to be internalized according to the social position and the expected role, not an innate one. The virtue including the spontaneity related with mind was used in the education in a way of bringing out the active consent of the governed. In conclusion, this paper shows that the education in Chosun period was a gendered system that produced ‘controlling' man and ‘serving' woman in the context of transferring the relation between the governor and the governed into the relation between the educator and the educatee.

전통교육, 젠더권력, 덕성, 부림과 섬김, traditional education, gender power, virtue, controlling and serving



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