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  • P-ISSN 2671-8197
  • E-ISSN 2733-936X

The Enlargement of The Lineage Novel Area and The Feature of Structure in <Yuchoihyunjeon>

Korean Studies Quarterly / Korean Studies Quarterly, (P)2671-8197; (E)2733-936X
2006, v.29 no.1, pp.79-103

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<Yuchoihyunjeon> is a novel, derived from <Jeongeulsunjeon>, in manuscript before and after 1900. It was reinvented as a work which enlarged woman's sufferings, including the structure of conflicts between a stepmother and a stepdaughter, and that of conflicts between a wife and a mistress. In the process of that, <Yuchoihyunjeon> includes widely contents such as a war story, a love story, a marriage-obstacle story and the parts of recommendation and a travelling incognito in <Chunhyangjeon>. Therefore, even if <Yuchoihyunjeon> is derived from <Jeongeulsunjeon>, it shows changes in woman's recognition as choosing a heroine for the title. <Yuchoihyunjeon> shows changes in personalities and roles of characters appearing in it. This work shows differently the causes of conflicts with Yuchoihyun's innocent father Yuseungsang, mother-in-law, and wicked stepmother and the second wife. Even though her parents‘ home was ruined, her parents-in-law's home was blessed with wealth and prosperity by her filial piety. This result points up punishments for Yuchoihyun's stepmother's vice which ruined her parents' home and increases value of her filial piety at the same time. <Yuchoihyunjeon> criticizes on giving the first consideration to males for management of a family burial ground and rites of ancestors and additionally shows changes of recognition that a woman should take all sorts of matters with her parents' home. Accordingly, <Yuchoihyunjeon> seems to enlarge the area of a lineage novel through presentation of a new model of woman, changes of characters' personalities, and a structure of conflicts enlarging woman's sufferings.

<유최현전>, <정을선전>, 이본, 계모형, 쟁총형, 여성수난의 구조, 가정소설, <Yuchoihyunjeon>, <Jeongeulseonjeon>, a different version, a type of Stepmother, a type of Competition, Structure of women's suffering, Family novel



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