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The Review of Korean Studies

Pictorial Documentation of Court Entertainment Dance during the Daehan Empire

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2009, v.12 no.2, pp.165-185

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This paper identifies the repertoire, gender of the dancers, and the most popular court entertainment dances during the Daehan Empire, and analyzes selected changes in these dances as depicted in Records of Court Banquets, an invaluable source of information on the types of court banquets and certain aspects of some of the dances performed. The court entertainment dances performed during the Daehan Empire were in large part based on those danced in 1892. The most interesting feature of the court banquets held in April 1902 was the revival of dances such as the Double Large Drum Dance, Double Sword Dance, and Double Ball-throwing Dance, which had not been performed since they were first created in 1795, 108 years earlier. In order to develop a fuller understanding of changes, however, an in-depth analysis of accompanying music and singing, costumes employed, and movements used must be carried out. The scope of this paper focuses on what can be seen in the paintings.

Records of Court Banquets, court paintings, court banquets, court entertainment dances, Emperor Gojong, Daehan Empire



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The Review of Korean Studies