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The Review of Korean Studies

The Christian Landscape at Jongno in Early Twentieth century: Focusing on the Christian Literature Society of Korea

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2018, v.21 no.2, pp.37-63

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This paper explores the Christian landscape on Jongno street in the early 20th century from the perspective of cultural and religious geography. The examination centers on the Christian Literature Society of Korea, a missionary publishing institution, specifically on how it nestled on the principal street of Seoul and what impact it had on the rapidly transforming landscape and culture during the Japanese colonial period. I attempt to depict the historical and cultural context of the space and the network of this institution in relation with other western Christian buildings. In addition, I try to uncover the implicit tensions generated by multiple nationalities who had different interests on its publishing enterprise. My suggestion is that the spatial identity of the Christian Literature Society of Korea (CLSK) was a hybrid of Christianity, western civilization, and modern progressivism along with other western buildings. Also the network of the CLSK and the relation dynamics among the three groups involved, namely, western missionaries, Koreans, and Japanese reveal the cultural/power struggle within the contested space. In this way, I attempt to investigate the CLSK’s tangible property and landscape on one hand, and on the other hand, its intangible domain through which Protestant Christianity was transferred to Korea.

Christian Literature Society of Korea, missionary publication, Christian landscape, Colonial Jongno, cultural geography



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The Review of Korean Studies