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The Review of Korean Studies

The Fundamental Studies Concerning Classical Chinese Literature and the Associated Compilation of Texts with Collected Commentaries during the Reign of Sejong

The Review of Korean Studies / The Review of Korean Studies, (P)1229-0076; (E)2773-9351
2019, v.22 no.1, pp.13-70

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This study explores the level of sohak (minor learning) and philology, or fundamental studies, related to classical Chinese literature which was prevalent during the Sejong period, and examines how this level was reflected in the nature of annotated editions (of the Classics) and the way in which works became classified as Classics via the publication of collected commentaries. It also looks at the fact that the parallel structure was considered an important factor when compiling classical Chinese literature, which led to this parallel structure being adopted in Korean verses too. In terms of compilation methodology, the books published during Sejong’s reign were all based on a number of specific principles, but we can find a variety of different features in the compilation of the different books. This study closely examines such differences by investigating a number of methodologies used in compilation of the Seokbo sangjeol, the Worin cheongang ji gok, the Worin seokbo, Hunmi jeongeum haeryebon, Yongbi eocheon ga, and so many publications during the Sejong’s reign.

King Sejong, fundamental studies of classical Chinese literature, phonology, punctuation, tone mark, parellel style, compilation of classic texts in Sejong’s reign



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The Review of Korean Studies